Thursday, October 6, 2016

Here is a peek at the order I have been working on all month! I really enjoyed this order!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Current Projects

I have recently relocated the craft room in my home. Originally it was the first room you enter as you walk into my house. I found this great and problematic all at the same time.

The great part was as people walked into my home, they were able to see the wonderful things I immerse myself into in my free time. The problematic part, Creativity is Messy...and I am very creative....

So, for the past three months (yes it has taken that long...) I have continued to work my full time job, spend quality time with my loves, and slowly move my craft area. I have several stations set up in this room. An area for clay, jewelry, resin work, computer work, photography, and paper crafting.

Here are a few pics of the progress of the new craft area!

I was slowly unpacking, lacking motivation. The summer has been hot so my appearances at outdoor craft markets this summer has been non-existent. Until last week when I received a sweet message from a potential customer on my etsy account.

This customer inquired about my pumpkin pie charm earrings. She runs a pie competition in Chicago's South Side and wanted to have earrings / charms for the event. Just the motivation I needed to get my crap craft together...

So as I work on the order that has inspired me once again I will be posting my progress in both my craft room and my miniature pie creations.

Check back later for more! TLC